Study by Jeff Krichmar, UCI cognitive scientist, is featured in the OC Register November 10, 2009
An op-ed by Gregory Ferenstein, political science graduate student and CSD Peltason Fellow, is featured in the Christian Science Monitor on November 3, 2009
Mark L. Keam, political science alumnus, is featured in the Korea Herald on November 6, 2009
Study by Jeff Krichmar, UCI cognitive scientist, is featured in the Daily Pilot November 4, 2009
Leo Chavez, anthropology and Chicano/Latino studies professor, is quoted in Feet in 2 Worlds, on October 19, 2009
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle on October 19, 2009
Studies by David Neumark, economics professor, are highlighted in the Wall Street Journal on October 4, 2009
Dorothy Solinger, political science professor, is quoted on on September 30, 2009
Leo Chavez, anthropology and Chicano/Latino studies professor, is featured on, on September 30, 2009
A study by Rubén Rumbaut, sociology professor, is featured in The Boston Globe on September 25, 2009
Victoria Bernal, anthropology associate professor, is quoted in on September 25, 2009
Mark Petracca, political science professor, is quoted in the Sacramento Bee on September 24, 2009
Donald Saari, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Economics, is quoted on Minnesota Public Radio News on September 23, 2009
Tom Boellstorff, anthropology professor, is featured in a PBS special on Second Life on September 18, 2009
Jan Brueckner, economics professor, is quoted in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on September 18, 2009
Amani Walker, junior international studies major, is featured in the Daily Pilot on September 10, 2009
Leo Chavez, anthropology and Chicano/Latino studies professor, is featured on on September 11, 2009
Economics alumni Victor Kim, '09, and Brian Hirano, '04, part of the UCI-born Quest Crew dance group, are featured in the Orange County Register on September 3, 2009
Mark Petracca, political science department chair and associate professor, is quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle on August 19, 2009.
Research by David Neumark, economics professor, is featured in the Gaston Gazette on August 17, 2009
David Neumark, economics professor, is quoted in Inside Tucson Business on August 7, 2009.
Gary Richardson, economics associate professor, is quoted in the New York Times on July 31, 2009
A book by Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is featured in the Miami Herald on April 7, 2009
Judith Treas, sociology professor and director of UCI's Center for Demographic and Social Analysis (C-DASA), is featured in the Capital Times on April 20, 2009
Caesar Sereseres, political science associate professor and social sciences associate dean, is featured in the San Diego Weekly Reader on April 3, 2009
Research conducted by Ruben Rumbaut, sociology professor, is featured in the New York Times on April 18, 2009. The story also appears in nine additional media sources.
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in the OC Register on March 20, 2009
Deborah Avant, political science professor and international studies director, is quoted in the on March 15, 2009
Dorothy Solinger, political science professor, is quoted in USA Today on February 17, 2009
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