Name Title Center/Department Room/Phone Contact Info
Aggarwal, Neerja Lecturer Department of Economics
SSPB 3239  
Agrawal, David Professor Department of Economics
Aigner, Dennis Professor Emeritus of Management and Economics Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Al-Bulushi, Samar Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology
SBSG 3568   
Al-Bulushi, Yousuf Associate Professor and Undergraduate Director Global and International Studies
SST 583   
Almeida, Isabel F. Assistant Professor Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
SST 363    
Amenta, Edwin Professor and Co-Director of Graduate Studies Department of Sociology
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Department of Political Science
SSPA 4101
Amirkhizi, Mohammad Reza Lecturer Global and International Studies
SST 520   
Aouad, Marion Assistant Professor, Economics Department of Economics
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Arias Garcia, Katherine Chancellors Advance Postdoc Fellow Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
SST 371  
Arthi, Vellore Assistant Professor, Economics Department of Economics
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Migration Network
SSPB 3209
Arum, Richard Professor, Sociology and Education Department of Sociology
SSPA 4169
Bailey, Stanley R. Professor Department of Sociology
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
SSPA 4177
Baldi, Pierre Chancellor's Professor Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
4038 Bren Hall
Bandelj, Nina Chancellor's Professor Department of Sociology
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 4263
Barrett, Jeffrey A. Chancellor's Professor Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
765 Social Science Tower
Bean, Frank D. Distinguished Professor Emeritus Department of Sociology
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy

Demographics and Social Analysis
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
SSPA 4139
Beckmann, Matthew Undergraduate Director and Associate Professor Department of Political Science
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 2253
Bell, Duran Professor Emeritus Department of Economics
Bento, Asia Assistant Professor & Dean's Fellow Department of Sociology
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
4259 Social Science Plaza B  
Berg, Aaron Lecturer Department of Political Science
Berg, Bruce Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2548  
Bernal, Victoria Professor Emerita Department of Anthropology
SBSG 3318   
Bilakovics, Steven Lecturer Department of Political Science
Boellstorff, Tom Professor Department of Anthropology
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
SBSG 3322   
Bogart, Daniel Professor Department of Economics
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
SSPA 3109
Bornstein, Aaron Assistant Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2318
(949) 824-0628
Boushey, Graeme Associate Professor Department of Political Science
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 5203
Boyd, John Professor Emeritus Department of Anthropology
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SSPA 2109
Branch, William Chair and Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics
Center for Economics and Public Policy
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SSPB 3279
Brewer, Alyssa Associate Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Language Science
SBSG 2304
Brown, Susan K. Professor Emerita, Sociology, UCI Department of Sociology
Center for Economics and Public Policy
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy

Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPA 4175  
Brownstone, David Emeritus Professor, Economics Department of Economics
Center for Economics and Public Policy
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SSPA 3119
Brueckner, Jan Distinguished Professor, Economics, UCI Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Economics
Center for Economics and Public Policy
SSPB 3269
Brunstetter, Daniel Graduate Program Director and Professor Department of Political Science
International Studies
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
SSPB 5289
Bui, Long T. Professor and Graduate Director Global and International Studies
Summer Academic Enrichment Program
559 Social Science Tower   
Burton, Michael Professor Emeritus Department of Anthropology
Demographics and Social Analysis
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 3554   
Butts, Carter Chancellor's Professor Department of Sociology

Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPA 2145
Campos, Belinda Professor and Chair Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Migration Network
SST 395
Cancian, Francesca Professor Emerita, Sociology Department of Sociology
Carian, Emily Assistant Professor of Teaching Department of Sociology
4231 Social Science Plaza B   
Casavantes Bradford, Anita Professor, Chicano/Latino Studies & History Department of Chicano/Latino Studies

Migration Network
SST 367
Castellanos, Jeanett Associate Dean and Professor of Teaching, Social Sciences Undergraduate Student Affairs Social Policy and Public Service
School of Social Sciences
Social Sciences Undergraduate Studies
SSPB 2231, SBSG 1231
949-824-6298, 949-824-9010
Chambers, Simone Professor, Political Science Department of Political Science
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy

Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SSPB 5269
Chavez, Leo Distinguished Professor Emeritus Department of Anthropology
International Studies
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Demographics and Social Analysis
Migration Network
SBSG 3326   
Chavira, Ricardo Lecturer SSPB 2215
Chen, Jiawei Associate Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics
SSPA 3187
Cheng, Andrew Postdoctoral Scholar Center for Language Science
Chernyak, Nadia Associate Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SBSG 2334
Chernyshoff, Natalia Lecturer Department of Economics
SSPB 3239  
Chew, Ken Professor of Teaching, Emeritus, in Planning, Policy and Design Demographics and Social Analysis
Social Ecology Bldg I, room 205   
Choi, Michael Associate Professor Department of Economics
SSPA 3181   
Choudhury, Arunima Lecturer of Language Science Center for Language Science
2243 Social Science Plaza B
(949) 824-7874
Chubb, Charlie Professor Emeritus Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2101   
Clark, Damon Associate Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics
Center for Economics and Public Policy
Centers & Departments - ESSPRI
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
SSPB 3283
Cohen, Linda Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics

Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPA 3183
Cohen Silver, Roxane Professor, Psychology and Social Behavior Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Colby, Benjamin Professor Emeritus Department of Anthropology
SSPB 2229
Crano, Ricky Lecturer Department of Anthropology
1311 Humanities Gateway   
Croese, Sylvia Assistant Professor Global and International Studies
D'Zmura, Michael Professor Emeritus Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2556    
Dalton, Russell Research Professor
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 2265   
Danziger, James Professor Emeritus Department of Political Science
SSPA 4133
Darian-Smith, Eve Distinguished Professor and Chair, Global and International Studies Department of Anthropology
Global and International Studies
Institute for International, Global and Regional Studies
SST 569
Davies, Elizabeth Jordie Assistant Professor Department of Political Science
De Vany, Arthur Professor Emeritus Department of Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
DeSipio, Louis Professor & Director of Graduate Studies Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Department of Political Science
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Migration Network
SSPB 5283
Dechter, Rina Chancellor's Professor, UCI Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
DBH 4232
(949) 824-6556
Devoy, Joseph Lecturer, SPPS Social Policy and Public Service
Dewan, William Lecturer, SPPS Social Policy and Public Service
SSPA 5157  
Ditto, Peter Professor, Psychology and Social Behavior Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Doh, Jenny Lecturer, SPPS Social Policy and Public Service
(714) 454-5067   
Dong, Yingying Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics
3297 Social Science Plaza B
Dosher, Barbara Distinguished Professor and UG Honors Program Director Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2564
Douglas, Thomas Lecturer Department of Anthropology
SBSG 3343  
Drover, Christopher Lecturer Department of Anthropology
SBSG 3343  
Duffy, John Professor & Director of Graduate Admissions Department of Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SSPB 3285
Duncan, Robert Henry Lecturer Global and International Studies
SSPB 2215  
Easwaran, Kenny Associate Professor and Colloquium Director Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
759 Social Science Tower   
Egan, James Lecturer Department of Anthropology
SBSG 3343  
Ekhlasi, Ali Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Cognitive Sciences
Enriquez, Laura Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies & Honors Program Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Department of Sociology
Migration Network
SST 387
Eppstein, David Chancellor's Professor, UCI Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
DBH 4082
(949) 824-6384
Espinoza, Corina A. Lecturer, SPPS Social Policy and Public Service
SST 447  
Falmagne, Jean-Claude Research Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SSPA 2133
Faust, Katherine Professor Emerita, Sociology, UCI Department of Sociology
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPA 4117
Feldman, Martha Professor, Planning, Policy and Design
Department of Sociology
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SE1 226G
Ferguson, Sherelle Assistant Professor Department of Sociology
4257 Social Science Plaza B  
Fernandez, Raul Professor Emeritus and Director, UC-Cuba Academic Initiative Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Global and International Studies
SSPA 4139
Fielding, G.J.(Pete) Professor Emeritus Department of Economics
Finely, Katelyn Lecturer Department of Political Science
Finley, Katelyn Lecturer, SocSci Department of Political Science
Global and International Studies
School of Social Sciences
SST 520  
Flink, James Professor Emeritus School of Social Sciences
Flores, Glenda M. Associate Professor, Chicano/Latino Studies Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Department of Sociology
SST 371
Fong, Kelley Assistant Professor Department of Sociology
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
4189 Social Science Plaza B   
Forsythe, Hannah Postdoctoral Scholar Center for Language Science
Fortun, Kim Professor Department of Anthropology
SBSG 3302  
Fortun, Michael Professor Department of Anthropology
Center for Ethnography
SBSG 3308   
Fowlkes, Charless Professor of Computer Science and UCI Chancellor's Fellow Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
DBH 4076
Fox, Roy Assistant Professor, UCI Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
DBH 4064   
Franco, Sofia Assistant Teaching Professor Department of Economics
Frank, David John Professor & Chair Department of Sociology
Department of Political Science
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPA 4107
Freedman, Matthew Professor, Economics Centers & Departments - ESSPRI
Department of Economics
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
SSPB 3211   
Futrell, Richard Graduate Director & Associate Professor, Language Science Center for Language Science
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SSPB 2215   
Galinon, Henri Visiting Research Scholar Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SST 785  
Garfinkel, Michelle Professor, Economics Department of Economics
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SSPB 3257
Gilbert, Margaret Distinguished Professor and the Abraham I. Melden Chair in Moral Philosophy Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
HIB 94
Gilmore, Samuel Lecturer Emeritus
Department of Sociology
Glazer, Amihai Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics

Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPA 3107
Goldberg, David Theo Distinguished Professor Department of Anthropology
3338 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway   
Goldberg, Rachel Associate Professor & Director of DASA Department of Sociology
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Demographics and Social Analysis
Migration Network
SSPB 4289
Goldberg, Wendy Professor, Psychology and Social behavior Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Goldbring, Isaac Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
Rowland Hall 410J   
Gomez, Manuel Vice Chancellor Emeritus Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
ALH 405
Gonzalez, Gilbert Professor Emeritus Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
SSPA 4123
Goodman, Sara Department Chair and Professor, Political Science Department of Political Science
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Migration Network
SSPB 5257
Greenhalgh, Susan Professor Emeritus Department of Anthropology
Grofman, Bernard Distinguished Professor Emeritus Department of Political Science

Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 2291
Grossman, Emily Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2558
Hagedorn, John Lecturer Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2551  
Hamdy, Sherine Professor Department of Anthropology
Center for Ethnography
Global and International Studies
SBSG 3328   
Hanselman, Paul Associate Professor Center for Administrative Data Analysis
Department of Sociology
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4251   
Harding, Matthew Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics
Centers & Departments - ESSPRI
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
SSPB 3207   
Hardt, Heidi Associate Professor Department of Political Science
International Studies
Haro-Ramos, Alein UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the Program of Public Health (Health, Society, & Behavior) Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Migration Network
Harris, Christopher Assistant Professor Global and International Studies
Department of Political Science
SST 535  
Hasen, Richard Professor, School of Law
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
LAW 3800D
Heis, Jeremy Professor Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
763 Social Science Tower
Helmreich, Jeffrey Associate Professor of Philosophy and Law Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
71 Humanities Instructional Building  
Hernandez, William Lecturer International Studies
Herrera, Ana Tobacco Policy Postdoctoral Scholar | UCI Department of Health, Society, & Behavior Program in Public Health Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Hickok, Gregory Distinguished Professor and Chair, Language Science Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Language Science
SBSG 2341   
Hironaka, Ann Professor Department of Sociology
SSPB 4269
Hoffman, Donald Professor Emeritus Department of Cognitive Sciences

Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2101   
Huezo, Alexander David Assistant Professor Global and International Studies
593 Social Science Tower   
Huffman, Matt Associate Dean of Student Programs and Professor Department of Sociology
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Demographics and Social Analysis
School of Social Sciences
SSPB 4229
Hundle, Anneeth Kaur Associate Professor and Presidential Chair in Social Sciences to Advance Sikh Studies Department of Anthropology
Global and International Studies
SBSG 3554
Huttegger, Simon Chancellor's Professor and Director of Graduate Admissions Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
785 Social Science Tower
Iverson, Geoffrey Professor Emeritus Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2306  
Jafari, Mahtab Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Jagau, Stephan Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Economics
Jameson, Kimberly Project Scientist Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SSPA 2137
Jeliazkov, Ivan Associate Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics
SSPA 3175
Jenkins, Brian Associate Teaching Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies Department of Economics
SSPA 3133
Jenks, Angela Associate Professor of Teaching, Anthropology Department of Anthropology
SBSG 3304
Jesilow, Paul D. Professor Emeritus of Criminology, Law and Society Demographics and Social Analysis
Jha, Priyaranjan Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics
Center for Economics and Public Policy
SSPB 3265
Kaminski, Marek Professor Department of Political Science
Department of Economics
International Studies
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SSPB 2283
Keller, L. Robin Professor Emerita Long Institute
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SB2 327
Ketelaars, Pauline International Visitor Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 5211  
Khargonekar, Pramod Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Vice Chancellor for Research, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Kiazolu, Yatta Assistant Professor Global and International Studies
579 Social Science Tower  
Kim, Claire Professor, Political Science and Asian American Studies Department of Political Science
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Migration Network
SSPB 3251
Kim, Eleana Professor and Director of Graduate Admissions, Anthropology Department of Anthropology
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies
Center for Ethnography
Migration Network
SBSG 3332   
Kim, Julie Lecturer Department of Sociology
Komarova, Natalia Professor of Mathematics Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
540J Rowland Hall
(949) 824-1268
Kopstein, Jeffrey Professor Department of Political Science
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
5265 Social Science Plaza B   
Kopylov, Igor Associate Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SSPA 3177
Koslow, Allison Assistant Professor, Philosophy Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Krichmar, Jeffrey Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2328    
Laberge, David Professor Emeritus Department of Cognitive Sciences
Lambert, J. Karel Research Professor Emeritus Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Lara, Génesis Assistant Professor Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Migration Network
355 Social Science Tower  
LeBron, Alana Associate Professor, Chicano/Latino Studies Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
SST 369
Lee, Michael Professor and Chancellor's Fellow Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SBSG 2302    
Lee, Ying-Ying Associate Professor Department of Economics
SSPB 3271   
Leonard, Karen Professor Emeritus Department of Anthropology
International Studies
SBSG 3564   
Lerch, Julia C. Assistant Professor Department of Sociology
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPA 4145   
Leshinskaya, Anna Assistant Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2554   
Levin, Ines Associate Professor Department of Political Science
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 5239
Levine, Linda Professor, Psychology and Social Behavior Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Lewis, Jacklyn Lecturer Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2311  
Liebersohn, Jack Assistant Professor Department of Economics
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Liljeholm, Mimi Associate Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences

Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2312
Lockwood, Erin Assistant Professor Department of Political Science
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 5279  
Loftus, Elizabeth Distinguished Professor of Social Ecology and Professor of Law Department of Cognitive Sciences
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SE2 2393
Love, Calvin Lecturer Department of Political Science
Lowman, Christopher Assistant Professor of Teaching Department of Anthropology
3311 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway  
Lui, Jonathan Lecturer, SPPS Social Policy and Public Service
Summer Academic Enrichment Program
5123 Social Science Plaza A  
Lynch, Cecelia Professor Department of Political Science
Institute for International, Global and Regional Studies
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies
International Studies
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
SST 569
Maddy, Penelope Distinguished Professor Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
Mahmud, Lilith Associate Professor Department of Anthropology
Migration Network
SBSG 3312   
Malament, David Distinguished Professor Emeritus Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Malkova, Olga Assistant Professor Department of Economics
Manchak, JB Professor Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
757 Social Science Tower
Manda, Constantine Assistant Professor Department of Political Science
Marcus, George Distinguished Professor Department of Anthropology
Center for Ethnography
SBSG 3566   
Mari, Raffaele Lecturer Department of Economics
3221 Social Science Plaza B  
Martinez-Aranda, Mirian Assistant Professor Department of Sociology
Migration Network
4223 Social Science Plaza B  
Matthew, Richard Associate Professor Department of Political Science
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Demographics and Social Analysis
SE1 212C
Maurer, Bill Dean and Professor Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Department of Anthropology
Institute for Money, Technology, and Financial Inclusion
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
School of Social Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 5218
Mayer, Connor Assistant Professor Center for Language Science
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Social Science Plaza B, Room 2211   
Mazumdar, Shampa Lecturer Emerita Department of Sociology
Mazumder, Bhash Professor Department of Economics
McBride, Michael Vice Associate Dean, Faculty Development and Diversity; Professor, Economics Department of Economics
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
School of Social Sciences
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPA 3129
McCarty, Philip Associate Professor of Teaching School of Social Sciences
Global and International Studies
Institute for International, Global and Regional Studies
SST 595   
McGuire, Martin Professor Emeritus Department of Economics
McThomas, Mary Associate Professor Department of Political Science
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Migration Network
SSPB 5285  
Meadows, Toby Associate Professor Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
755 Social Science Tower   
Mednick, Sara Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2546    
Mendelsohn, Richard Adjunct Professor Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
SST 757
Meyer, David S. Professor Department of Sociology
Department of Political Science
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 4207
Milani, Fabio Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics
Center for Economics and Public Policy
SSPA 3145
Mis, Benjamin Alexander Lecturer of Language Science Center for Language Science
SSPB 2243  
Mjolsness, Lora Lecturer International Studies
Monroe, Kristen Distinguished Professor Department of Political Science
International Studies
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SSPA 4103
Montenegro, Maria Assistant Professor Global and International Studies
SST 521   
Montoya, Michael James Professor Emeritus WOS Department of Anthropology
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
SBSG 3312
Morales, Alejandro Professor Emeritus Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
SST 393
Mulligan, Jeffrey B. Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Murphy, Keith Associate Professor Department of Anthropology
Center for Ethnography
SBSG 3306   
Na'puti, Tiara R. Associate Professor Global and International Studies
SST 533  
Neighbors, Teresa Lecturer, Social Science; Director Deconstructing Diversity Initiative; Co-Director, Summer Academic Enrichment Program Social Sciences Undergraduate Studies
School of Social Sciences
Center for Truth and Racial Healing
SBSG 1507
Neumark, David Distinguished Professor, Economics, UCI; Co-Director, Center for Population, Inequality, and Policy Department of Economics
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Centers & Departments - ESSPRI
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 3219
Ng, Cherlyn Assistant Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2326  
Nguyen, Emma Postdoctoral Scholar Center for Language Science
Nicolas, Brenda Assistant Professor Global and International Studies
Migration Network
SST 539   
Noh, Sharon Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Cognitive Sciences
Noymer, Andrew Associate Professor, Program in Public Health Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Department of Sociology
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Demographics and Social Analysis
(949) 824–6620   
Nwakanma, Pamela Assistant Professor Department of Political Science
O'Connell, Chuck Lecturer Emeritus Department of Sociology
O'Connor, Cailin Chancellor's Professor, Placement Director, and Director of Graduate Studies Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
793 Social Science Tower   
Olson, Kevin Professor Department of Political Science
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
SSPB 5207
Olson, Valerie Associate Professor Department of Anthropology
SBSG 3334
Painter, Fantasia Assistant Professor Global and International Studies
555 Social Science Tower   
Pearl, Lisa Professor, Language Science Center for Language Science
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
SSPB 2219    
Penner, Andrew Director of Undergraduate Studies & Honors Program; Professor & Director of CADA Department of Sociology
Center for Administrative Data Analysis
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Centers & Departments - ESSPRI
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPA 4181   
Peters, Megan Associate Professor and Graduate Director Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SBSG 2314   
Peterson, Kristin Associate Professor Department of Anthropology
SBSG 3336
Petracca, Mark Professor Emeritus Department of Political Science
Petrovic, Bojan Lecturer, SPPS Social Policy and Public Service
Global and International Studies
SST 520  
Phoenix, Davin Undergraduate Honors Director and Associate Professor Department of Political Science
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 5201
Pizlo, Zygmunt Professor and Falmagne Endowed Chair Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SSPA 2187   
Poirier, Dale Professor Emeritus, Economics Department of Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SSPA 3171
Polletta, Francesca Chancellor's Professor Department of Sociology
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Global and International Studies
SSPA 4183
Prause, JoAnn Sr. Lecturer with Security of Employment-Emerita, Psychological Science | School of Social Ecology Demographics and Social Analysis
3317 Social Ecology Building II
(949) 824-6435
Prosper, Mamyrah Assistant Professor Global and International Studies
SST 557  
Ragin, Charles Chancellor's Professor Emeritus, Sociology, UCI Department of Sociology
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
SSPB 4225
Ramachandran, Vibhuti Assistant Professor Global and International Studies
SST 563   
Ramos, Giovanni UC Chancellor's and Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychological Science Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Rashid, Jordan Ali Fellow - Discovery Eye Foundation Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Richards, Virginia Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2566   
Richardson, Gary Professor and Director, Undergraduate Honors Program, Economics Department of Economics
Center for Economics and Public Policy
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPA 3127
Richland, Justin Professor and Chair, Anthropology Department of Anthropology
Riggs, Hidemi Lecturer Center for Language Science
379 Humanities Instructional Building
(949) 824-3248
Ritchie, Katherine Claire Assistant Professor, Philosophy, UCI School of Humanities Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Robbins, Ty Lecturer Department of Economics
Rocheteau, Guillaume Professor & Placement Director Department of Economics
Center for Economics and Public Policy
SSPB 3263
Rodelo, Christofer A. Assistant Professor Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Migration Network
359 Social Science Tower   
Rodriguez-Lopez, Jose Antonio Associate Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics
Center for Economics and Public Policy
SSPB 3291
Rosales, Rocío Associate Dean, Faculty Development and Diversity & Inclusive Excellence Professor Department of Sociology
School of Social Sciences
Migration Network
SSPA 4109
Rosas, Ana Elizabeth Associate Professor Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
International Studies
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
SST 391
Rosenberg, Shawn Professor Department of Political Science
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 5253
Ross, Lauren N. Associate Professor and Director of the Summer Diversity Program Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
791 Social Science Tower   
Rouder, Jeffrey Professor and Falmagne Endowed Chair Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SBSG 2322   
Ruiz, Vicki Lynn Distinguished Professor Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
Rumbaut, Rubén G. Distinguished Professor Emeritus Department of Sociology
Center for Language Science
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Demographics and Social Analysis
Migration Network
SSPB 2293
Saari, Donald Distinguished Research Professor Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Department of Economics
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SSPB 3295
Saberi, Kourosh Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2332   
Sadiq, Kamal Associate Professor, Political Science Department of Political Science
International Studies
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies
Migration Network
SSPB 5263
Sarnecka, Barbara Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies & Professor, Cognitive Sciences Department of Cognitive Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Social Sciences Graduate Studies
Office of Research
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
SBSG 2562    
Sarraf, George Lecturer Department of Economics
SSPB 3237  
Satalich, Timothy Visitor/Lecturer Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SSPA 2169  
Scavio, Michael Lecturer, SPPS Social Policy and Public Service
SSPA 5117  
Schaefer, David Professor Department of Sociology
Demographics and Social Analysis

Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
SSPB 4253
Schlosser, Seymour Lecturer Global and International Studies
SSPA 4176  
Schofer, Evan Professor Department of Sociology
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4271
Schonfeld, William R. Professor Emeritus Department of Political Science
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
SSPA 4187
Schuster, Tonya Continuing Lecturer Department of Sociology
SSPB 4237  
Scontras, Gregory Associate Professor and Undergraduate Director, Language Science; Associate Director of C-ALPHA Center for Language Science
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
SSPB 2221    
Sellgren, Sherilyn Lecturer Department of Political Science
SST 555  
Sereseres, Caesar Associate Professor Emeritus Department of Political Science

International Studies
SSPA 4129
Shapiro, Johanna Professor, Family Medicine Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Shirey, Paul Lecturer, SocSci Department of Economics
School of Social Sciences
SSPB 4245
Singh, Sameer Assistant Professor Center for Language Science
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
4204 Donald Bren Hall   
Skaperdas, Stergios Clifford S. Heinz Chair and Professor, Economics Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Economics
Department of Political Science
International Studies
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPA 3123
Skerswetat, Jan Postdoctoral Researcher | UCI Department of Ophthalmology Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Skyrms, Brian Distinguished Professor, Director of the Salzburg Exchange Program, Director of the History & Philosophy of Science IDP, and Director of the History & Philosophy of Science Minor Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Department of Economics
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
767 Social Science Tower
Small, Kenneth Professor Emeritus of Economics Department of Economics
Smith, Charles Professor Department of Political Science
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Department of Sociology
SSPB 2279
Smith, David A. Professor Department of Sociology
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4265
Smyth, Padhraic Professor Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
4216 Bren Hall
(949) 824-2558
Snow, David Distinguished Emeritus Professor Department of Sociology
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 4295
Sojoyner, Damien Professor (Ph.D. and M.A. in Medicine, Science and Technology Studies (MSTS)) Department of Anthropology
Global and International Studies
SBSG 3546   
Solingen, Etel Distinguished Professor, Political Science Department of Political Science
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
SSPB 5259
Solinger, Dorothy Professor Emerita Department of Political Science
International Studies
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Long Institute
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 5285
Sperling, George Distinguished Research Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SSPA 2181
Srinivasan, Ramesh Professor and Undergraduate Director Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2336    
Stanford, P. Kyle Professor and Director of the PPE MA Program Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Department of Cognitive Sciences
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
769 Social Science Tower
Stepan-Norris, Judith Professor Emerita, Sociology, UCI Department of Sociology
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 4219
Stern, Hal Professor of Statistics Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
DBH 6215
Steyvers, Mark Chancellor's Fellow, Professor and Department Chair Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2316
Stolte, Allison Postdoctoral Scholar, Health, Society, and Behavior, Program of Public Health Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Straughn, Ian Associate Professor of Teaching Department of Anthropology
SBSG 3544   
Su, Yang Professor Department of Sociology
Long Institute
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4279
Sudderth, Erik Associate Professor, UCI Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
DBH 4028
(949) 824-8169
Swanson, Eric Professor, Economics, UCI Department of Economics
Center for Economics and Public Policy
SSPB 3259
Sánchez-López, Luis Assistant Professor Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
357 Social Science Tower  
Taagepera, Rein Professor Emeritus Department of Political Science
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 2225
Tankha, Mrinalini Postdoctoral Scholar Institute for Money, Technology, and Financial Inclusion
SBSG 3341  
Telles, Edward E. Distinguished Professor Department of Sociology
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Migration Network
Social Science Plaza A, Room 4171
(949) 824-6800
Tesler, Michael Professor Department of Political Science
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 5251
Therese Frederiksen, Anne Postdoctoral Scholar Center for Language Science
Thomsen, Danielle Associate Professor Department of Political Science
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Tobar, Hector Professor Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
SST 365
Tomás, António Associate Professor Department of Anthropology
3552 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway  
Topper, Keith Associate Professor Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Department of Political Science
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
SSPA 4143
Toukan, Amjad Lecturer Department of Economics
SSPB 3237  
Tran, Tri C. Lecturer of Language Science Center for Language Science
550 Krieger Hall
(949) 824-4162, 2227
Tranel, Bernard Emeritus Professor Center for Language Science
SSPB 2257
(949) 824-7040
Treas, Judith Distinguished Emerita Professor, Sociology, UCI Department of Sociology
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4291
Turney, Kristin Dean's Professor Department of Sociology
Centers & Departments - ESSPRI
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4283
Uhlaner, Carole Professor Emerita Department of Political Science
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
International Studies
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPA 3125
Uriu, Robert Graduate Admissions Director and Associate Professor Department of Political Science
International Studies
SSPB 2275
Vandekerckhove, Joachim Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SBSG 2324
Vardishvili, Oliko Assistant Professor Department of Economics
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
3117 Social Science Plaza A   
Varzi, Roxanne Professor Department of Anthropology
SBSG 3314   
Vazirani, Vijay Distinguished Professor Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
4032 Bren Hall   
Vega, Irene Assistant Professor Department of Sociology
Migration Network
SSPB 4275
Velayudhan, Tejaswi Assistant Professor, Economics Department of Economics
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Vigil, Vincent Lecturer, SPPS Social Policy and Public Service
Vortherms, Samantha Assistant Professor Department of Political Science
Long Institute
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Migration Network
SSPB 5253  
Wadhwa, Wilima Lecturer Department of Economics
Wang, Feng Professor & Co-Director of Graduate Studies Department of Sociology
Center for Research on Immigration, Population, and Public Policy
Long Institute
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Demographics and Social Analysis
SSPB 4285
Watson, Edward Lecturer, SPPS
Social Policy and Public Service
Summer Academic Enrichment Program
Watt, William Professor Emeritus Department of Cognitive Sciences
SSPA 2143
Wattenberg, Marty Professor Emeritus Department of Political Science
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
SSPB 2285
Weatherall, James Owen Chancellor's Professor and Department Chair Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
781 Social Science Tower
Wehmeier, Kai Dean's Professor and Director of C-ALPHA Committee; Director of Undergraduate Studies for Logic & Philosophy of Science Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Center for Language Science
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
783 Social Science Tower
Werner, Christian Research Professor Department of Economics
White, Joseph Professor Emeritus School of Social Sciences
SSPB 2259
Whiteley, John Professor, Social Ecology International Studies
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies
Whitt, Sarah Assistant Professor Global and International Studies
SST 581   
Whytock, Christopher Professor, School of Law Department of Political Science
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
LAW 3800E
Willoughby-Herard, Tiffany Associate Professor Global and International Studies
Department of Political Science
Wosick, Kassia Lecturer Department of Sociology
4211 Social Science Plaza B
(949) 824-6800
Wrapp, Melissa Postdoctoral Scholar, project manager for the UC Irvine NSF Convergence Accelerator program Department of Anthropology
Wright, Charles E. (Ted) Professor Emeritus of Teaching Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2554   
Xie, Xin Assistant Professor Center for Language Science
Center for Population, Inequality and Policy
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Social Science Plaza B, Room 2223   
Xin, Jack Professor Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
540E Rowland Hall
Yassa, Michael Professor and Chancellor's Fellow; Director, UCI Brain Initiative Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
1418 Biological Sciences 3
(949) 824-1687
Yoo, Ka-eul Assistant Professor Global and International Studies
Yousefi, Mazamir Lecturer Department of Political Science
Zeman, Martin Professor of Mathematics Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
RH 410E
Zerecero, Miguel Assistant Professor Department of Economics
Zhan, Mei Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Anthropology Department of Anthropology
Long Institute
SBSG 3316   
Zhou, Dale Postdoctoral Scholar | UCI Department of Neurobiology and Behavior Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Zoeller, Christoffer Lecturer Department of Sociology
4211 Social Science Plaza B
Zárate, Salvador Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology

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© UC Irvine School of Social Sciences - 3151 Social Sciences Plaza, Irvine, CA 92697-5100 - 949.824.2766