We are not your standard school. Like Peter, our beloved Anteater mascot, we’re quirky and different. And we aren’t afraid to break the mold in order to adapt to our increasingly interconnected world. Below, meet our leadership team that helps make it all happen here in social sciences. Or you can check out our org chart for a visual rundown on all things soc sci.

Note: All undergraduate enrollment matters are handled by the Social Sciences Undergraduate Student Affairs Office. This includes dean’s authorization, signature and/or enrollment issues. Please direct these inquiries to socsci@uci.edu or call 949.824.6803 or visit SBSG 1201.


Bill Maurer

Assistant Dean

Rebecca Avila

Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies

Barbara Sarnecka

Associate Dean, Student Programs

Matt Huffman

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies

Jeanett Castellanos

Associate Dean, Faculty Development and Diversity

Rocío Rosales

Vice Associate Dean, Faculty Development and Diversity

Michael McBride

Division Senate Assembly Representative to the Academic Senate

Matthew Freedman,
Economics (Faculty Chair)

Tom Boellstroff,

Dan Bogart,

Kristen Monroe,
Political Science

David Schaefer,



Executive Committee

Kristin Turney,
Sociology | Executive Committee Chair

Rocio Rosales,
Sociology | Executive Committee Vice Chair

Yingying Dong,

Alana Lebron,
Chicano/Latino Studies

Julia Lerch,

David Meyer,

Kristen Monroe,
Political Science

Kevein Olson,
Political Science

Sabrina Strings,


Administrative Offices

Business Office
 SSPA 5129

 SBSG 5406

Computing Services
 SSPB 1288

Dean's Office
 SBSG 5218

Development Office
 SBSG 5412

 SSPA 1185

Graduate Studies
 SST 323

Personnel/HR Office
 SBSG 5210

Undergraduate Student Affairs
 SBSG 1201