Nathan Chan, doctoral student in political science, wins prestigious NSF fellowship to support his work on the motivations behind youth involvement in politics
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and poli sci, in the Los Angeles Times, Fresno Bee, Miami Herald, San Francisco Chronicle, and The Sacramento Bee, Oct. 26, 2018
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and poli sci, via the San Francisco Chronicle, Oct. 25, 2018
Bernie Grofman, poli sci, in The Washington Post (AP), US News and World Report, Herald, ABC News, and Pilot Online, Oct. 22, 2018
Bernie Grofman, poli sci, via The New York Times (AP), The Washington Post, U.S. News and World Report, Daily Journal, NBC, SF Gate, and Virginia Mercury, Oct. 19, 2018
Raul Fernandez, Chicano/Latino studies, is honored for his university service post-retirement
Grad student Lev Nachman, poli sci, publishes work on Taiwan and Hong Kong social movements and political parties
Anteater alumna Kai Boyer '17 built a personal training business while earning her undergrad. Now she's set on taking her company global.
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