Inaugural meeting of the University of California U.S.-China Business and Law Faculty Network

Inaugural meeting of the University of California U.S.-China Business and Law Faculty Network
- April 15, 2011
- A UC-based faculty network comprised of faculty, graduate students, and professionals convene to explore commercial connections between China and the U.S.
Thirty professionals, faculty, and graduate students attended a one-day conference on research regarding the U.S.-China commerical relationship, held at the UC Irvine campus, Beckman Center. Business and law school faculty members from UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Berkeley, and Hastings Law School discussed and identified key topics for future research.
The conference was sponsored by the John S. & Marilyn Long U.S.-China Institute for
Business and Law at UC Irvine. The Long family donated $2.5 million (and promised
to match another $2.5 million) to start the Institute. A portion of the funds is dedicated
to supporting faculty research. We will be calling for proposals from all UC business
and law school ladder faculty later in the Spring for awards on July 1.
The primary purpose of the conference was to develop a comprehensive agenda for the
study of the U.S.-China commercial relationship including its causes and consequences.
Additional purposes of the conference were to foster a network of scholars within
the UC system interested in such topics and, of course, to introduce the Long Institute.
An introduction to the conference was made by John Long, and attendees included Alan Chu, leader of the PricewaterhouseCoopers China Business Services division, and Mark Lam, CEO of Internet Radio, the world's largest internet radio network.
To view images of the conference, please click here.
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