Will COVD-19 spur new robot ‘Friends’ and helpers?

Will COVD-19 spur new robot ‘Friends’ and helpers?
- August 6, 2020
- Jeffrey Krichmar, cog sci, Futurity, Aug. 6, 2020
“In general, I don’t think the public is very aware of what these robots can do to
improve our lives,” says Jeffrey Krichmar, professor at the University of California,
Irvine. “There’s more education that needs to be done. I hope COVID-19 will be a wakeup
call to our robotics community to spur new ideas.” … “As we begin to reopen [society],
I anticipate a hybrid situation where some people can attend school or go to work,
but others must stay home,” Krichmar says.
For the full story, please visit https://www.futurity.org/?p=2417792.
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