Ep 49: Ice Cream and Nazis: The Origin of Moral Choices – with guest Dr. P. Kyle Stanford (Podcast)

Ep 49: Ice Cream and Nazis: The Origin of Moral Choices – with guest Dr. P. Kyle Stanford (Podcast)
- August 21, 2018
- Featuring Kyle Stanford, logic and philosophy of science, via SparkDialog, Aug. 21, 2018
Today on the podcast we are joined by Dr. P. Kyle Stanford. Kyle is a professor within the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of California at Irvine. … He suggests that the moral choices we make not only serve as a signpost to how we should live our lives, but helped to form society and the basis of culture as we know it. We discuss the evolution of morality, if animals are moral, the history of society, and pistachio ice cream.
For the full story, please visit http://sparkdialog.com/moral-choices/.
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