As a university and among its graduate programs and departments, UCI earns top spots on multiple charts
Vicki Ruiz, Chicano/Latino studies and history Distinguished Professor, is featured by NBC Oct. 3, 2015
John Campbell, political science visiting professor, is featured in the Orange County Register Oct. 2, 2015
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured in The Atlantic Oct. 2015
Interests span politics, race, immigration, neuroscience, money and banking, space and time, family, and health
Ruben Rumbaut, sociology Distinguished Professor, is featured by Zocalo PublicSquare Sept. 29, 2015
Social Sciences Tower is featured in Chimes for its role in Conquest of Planet of the Apes, Sept. 28, 2015
Social sciences earns coveted commencement spirit award; dean leads new students in first official "Zot!" at convocation
Honor recognizes logic & philosophy of science Distinguished Professor for outstanding work in philosophy of science
Bernie Grofman, political science professor, is featured by Foreign Affairs (NZ) Sept. 25, 2015
Cognitive sciences professor Bill Batchelder receives grant to expand models and strategies behind Cultural Consensus Theory
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