Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in the AZ Central and Tucson Citizen May 10, 2011
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in the an Francisco Chronicle May 11, 2011
Social sciences undergraduate affairs director and alumnus Helen Morgan receives Lauds & Laurels honors for exemplary campus service
ASA award recognizes book as most significant contribution to social demography from 2009-2011
Rubén Rumbaut, sociology professor, is featured on 89.3 Southern California Radio May 3, 2011
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in the Orange County Register May 3, 2011
International studies undergrad Takuro Sugita and business economics undergrad Yuli Matsui are featured in the Orange County Register April 29, 2011
Honor recognizes book as one of the most significant print and electronic works reviewed in the magazine in 2010
Armaan Rowther, public health science undergrad and Olive Tree Initiative student, plans a series of events on interfaith cooperation
A study by Darren Peshek, cognitive sciences graduate student, is featured in Psychology Today April 30, 2011
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