Wang Feng, sociology professor, is featured in The Washington Post and Miami Herald Oct. 29, 2015
CEPP study finds that fewer restrictions leads to money being used as emergency loans, not for long-term investments
Mentoring program pairs new students with upperclassmen who also are first in their families to go to college
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured by Business Insider India and Yahoo! Finance Oct. 27, 2015
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor, is quoted by Fox News Latino Oct. 27, 2015
Research by Jean Claude Falmagne, cognitive sciences professor emeritus, is featured by Slate Oct. 26, 2015
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured by Bloomberg and The Boston Globe Oct. 26, 2015
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured by Minnesota Public Radio Oct. 26, 2015
Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured in The Washington Post Oct. 26, 2015
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