Ben Feintzeig, a fifth year student in LPS, has recently had two papers accepted for publication in major research journals.  One of the papers, entitled "Unitary Inequivalence in Classical Systems," was accepted by Synthese, a major general philosophy journal.  Here Ben shows how to understand classical physics in a language developed for treating quantum field theory, the theory underlying modern particle physics. Ben then shows that a widely discussed conceptual problem in the foundations of quantum field theory re-appears even for classical systems, and argues that the classical case suggests a solution that can also be applied in the quantum case.  The second paper, "On Broken Symmetries and Classical Systems," will appear in Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, a leading specialist journal.  Here Ben applies the methods in the other paper to respond to arguments recently advanced by David Baker, at the University of Michigan.  Both papers are based on chapters of Ben's dissertation; the third dissertation chapter is already forthcoming in The British Journal of Philosophy of Science.  Congratulations, Ben!