Study sheds new light on low-light vision, could aid people with retinal deficits

Study sheds new light on low-light vision, could aid people with retinal deficits
- May 11, 2015
- Research by Alyssa Brewer, cognitive sciences assistant professor, is featured by Medical Xpress May 11, 2015
From Medical XPress:
Driving down a dimly lit road at midnight can tax even those with 20/20 vision, but
according to a recent UC Irvine study, the brain processes the experience no differently
than if it were noon. The same study also reveals how quickly the brain adapts to
vision loss, contradicting earlier research and opening the door to novel treatments.
The findings, which appear in the April 21 edition of Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, are significant for those who have suffered retinal damage or
disease, said cognitive scientist Alyssa Brewer, the lead author.
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