Counterinsurgency and Humanism
The International Studies Public Forum (ISPF) presents
“Counterinsurgency and Humanism”
with Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III, West Point
TX Hammes, National Defense University
Samuel Popkin, UCSD
David Price, Saint Martin’s University
Robert Albro, American University
Ruthie Gilmore, USC
Thursday, October 7, 2010
3:30-5:00 p.m.
Social Science Plaza A, Room 1100
Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III is a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army and associate professor with the Department of Social Science at West Point where he is director of the American Politics, Policy, and Strategy Program. He is a combat veteran with operational experience in the Balkans, Iraq, and Afghanistan. His research centers on the role and impact of the legacy of U.S. military and security "regimes" on America's capacity to fight, win, and finish wars of the 21st century. He is founder and co-director of Project: Think-Beyond-War, a multiyear, cross-discipline collaborative study of the "paradox of the American way of war and peace" dedicated to development of new effective war-policy and peace-waging regimes.
TX Hammes is a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University. He served 30 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, participating in stabilization operations in Somalia and Iraq and training insurgents in various locations. He holds a bachelor’s degree in operations analysis from the U.S. Naval Academy and a master of studies and doctor of philosophy in modern history from Oxford University. He has lectured and published widely on insurgency, irregular warfare and future conflict.
Samuel Popkin is a political science professor at the University of California, San Diego. He is known for his work on polling and presidential elections as well as peasant society – particularly in Vietnam – where he spent time during the Vietnam War. When he was an assistant professor of government at Harvard in 1972, he was jailed for his refusal to answer questions before a grand jury investigating the Pentagon Papers. His experience in Vietnam and after led to an enduring interest in the politics of intervention.
David Price is an associate professor of anthropology and sociology at Saint Martin’s University. He is currently using the Freedom of Information Act, archival sources and interviews to write historical accounts of various interactions between the military and intelligence agencies and American Anthropology, examining the interactions between anthropologists and organizations such as the CIA, FBI, NSA, OSS and others.
Robert Albro is an assistant professor of international communications at American
University. He is also a member of AAA's Ad Hoc Commission on the Engagement of Anthropology
with the U. S. Security and Intelligence Communities. Trained in political, legal
and linguistic anthropology, as well as in cultural studies, Albro has published widely
on social and indigenous movements in Latin America, transnational civil society,
cultural rights frameworks and the work of cultural policy. His current research is
concerned with global cultural policy making, as it shapes the terms of globalization
and is made the subject of new national, international and multilateral legal and
regulatory efforts to define and to protect it.
Ruth Wilson Gilmore is a geography professor in the doctoral program in earth and
environmental sciences at Graduate Center, CUNY. Gilmore works on the political economy
of state violence, prisons, and geographies of resistance and is currently president
of the American Studies Association (ASA).
This lecture is free and open to the public.
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