Donald Trump is already costing conservative lawmakers seats — in the U.K.

Donald Trump is already costing conservative lawmakers seats — in the U.K.
- August 9, 2017
- Michael Tesler, poli sci, explains in The Washington Post
Despite winning the presidency, Donald Trump is a historically unpopular political figure. He had the lowest favorability ratings of any modern presidential nominee during the 2016 campaign, and he is less popular than any president in the history of modern polling has been at this point in his term.
As unpopular as President Trump is in the United States, he is even more disliked in Western Europe. The graph below from Pew’s Global Attitude Project shows that confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs ranges from 7 percent in Spain to 22 percent in the United Kingdom. That represents a huge decrease from Pew polls conducted while Barack Obama was in office.
Read on, courtesy of The Washington Post...
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