How much trouble is Joe Biden really in?

How much trouble is Joe Biden really in?
- March 22, 2024
- Political science professors Michael Tesler, UCI, and John Sides, Vanderbilt University, explain in this piece for Good Authority
“A lot of people are nervous about Joe Biden’s chances of reelection. Maybe you’ve seen headlines like “Biden campaign works to ease Democratic anxiety over reelection chances” or “‘This Is Grim,’ One Democratic Pollster Says.” The special counsel’s report that said a jury would see Biden as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” only occasioned more headlines, such as “Senate Dems privately fear Biden’s age could cost him White House.” There have even been calls for Biden to step aside and Democrats to pick a new nominee at their convention this summer.
But Biden and his closest advisors don’t seem that concerned. In an interview with the New Yorker’s Evan Osnos, Biden said: “We won every contested race out there. In 2024, I think you’re going to see the same thing.”
The challenge facing Biden is that he is simply not popular. But the election is still about nine months away. So how concerned should Democrats be? Let’s dive into some data.”
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