Since 1983, the Order of Merit recognition has been given to no more than 2% of UCI social sciences undergraduates who best exemplify a commitment to academic distinction, leadership and service to the school, campus and community. The UCI School of Social Sciences is happy to announce its newest members of this prestigious honor, noted below by name, major and additional academic honors:


Rachel Ahrens | Sociology (Magna Cum Laude)

William Barton | Political Science & Economics (Cum Laude)

Nemesio Cabral Jr. | Sociology (Cum Laude)

Yareli C. Castro Sevilla | Political Science & History (Magna Cum Laude)

Freddy Cruz | Sociology

Melody Dehghan | Quantitative Economics (Cum Laude)

Elita Delbruck | Cognitive Sciences

Carolina Dominguez-Burciaga | Political Science & Social Policy and Public Service

Daniela Estrada | Political Science (Magna Cum Laude)

Baokun Gui | Cognitive Sciences (Cum Laude)

Andrew Nicholas Hallak | International Studies (Cum Laude)

Pauline Ho | Social Policy and Public Service & Education Sciences (Cum Laude)

Tracy La | Political Science & Social Policy and Public Service

Shirley Loi | Social Policy and Public Service

Ana Lomeli | Cognitive Sciences (Magna Cum Laude)

Martha Morales Hernandez | Political Science & Sociology

Jessica Pedraza | Social Policy and Public Service (Cum Laude)

Alejandro Ramirez | Political Science & Education Sciences

Margarita Rodriguez | Psychology & Education Sciences (Cum Laude)

Monica Rodriguez | International Studies & Political Science

Julie Singh | International Studies & Political Science

Daisy Vasquez Vera | Chicano/Latino Studies & Political Science

Cassie (Chen) Zhang | Economics & International Studies (Magna Cum Laude)


The 2017 honorees will be recognized at an invite-only celebration on June 16. Also receiving special recognition at the ceremony are the following award winners (additional graduate award winners to be updated soon):


Zoey (Yiming) Xiong | Quantitative Economics
Caesar D. Sereseres Outstanding Service Award

Daisy Vasquez Vera | Chicano Latino Studies & Political Science
Alice B. Macy Outstanding Undergraduate Paper Award: “On the Road to Equal Opportunity:  An Assessment of the Implementation of AB60"

Daniela Estrada | Political Science
Outstanding Transfer Student Scholarship

Yareli C. Castro Sevilla | Political Science & History
Alumni Academic Excellence Scholarship

Samantha Ku | Political Science
Elena B. and William R. Schonfeld Award

Samantha Ku | Political Science
David Rosten International Education & Service Scholarship

Martha Morales Hernandez | Political Science & Sociology
2017 Lauds & Laurels Outstanding Undergraduate Student

John Lee | Business Economics
Outstanding Undergraduate Honors Thesis: "The Effects of Oklahoma Deposit Insurance during the Early Twentieth Century"



Jessica Kizer | Sociology
Charles Lave Paper Prize: “Arrested by Skin Color: Evidence from Siblings and a Nationally-Representative Sample”

Yader Lanuza | Sociology
2017 Lauds & Laurels Outstanding Graduate Student

Marcos Scauso | Political Science
Kathy Alberti Prize

Hannah Rubin |  Logic & Philosophy of Science
Outstanding Scholarship

Sheefteh Khalili | Sociology
Outstanding Service



Congrats to all 2017 recipients!