10 ways to support students facing immigration crises

10 ways to support students facing immigration crises
- January 31, 2017
- Social scientists Anita Casavantes Bradford, Laura E. Enriquez, and Susan Bibler Coutin via Inside Higher Ed, Jan. 31, 2017
Anita Casavantes Bradford, associate professor of Chicano/Latino studies and history;
Laura E. Enriquez, assistant professor of Chicano/Latino studies; Susan Bibler Coutin,
professor of criminology, law, and society and anthropology at the University of California,
Irvine, [write]: Despite the multiple -- often invisible -- ways undocumented people
contribute to the U.S. economy and society, we think it is important to recognize
that only a tiny percentage of undocumented people in the United States ever benefit
from the opportunity to pursue a higher education. With this in mind, we encourage
educators to also consider how they can support the broader undocumented immigrant
population in their communities and nationwide.
For the full story, please visit https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2017/01/31/how-faculty-members-and-administrators-can-help-immigrant-students-essay.
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