okuneThe Dr. Dard Magnus Rossell Memorial Award for Merit for Graduate Research in Anthropology—supported by an anonymous donor—is granted annually to anthropology students who are attending graduate school as a parent or come from a non-traditional educational background. This year’s committee found two first-year students, Angela Okune and Annie Wilkinson, worthy of the $1,000 award.

Okune (top right)—whose research looks at technology for development research and questions of identity and power in knowledge production in the global south—earned the award for managing the birth of her son along with a full course load during the winter 2016 quarter.

Fellow new mother Wilkinson studies the intersections of gender and sexual politics and American evangelical missionaries in Latin America. Her award recognizes not only her juggling coursework with motherhood, but also her decision to pursue a graduate degree nearly 10 years after completing her bachelor’s.

Wilkinson and Okune also received honors from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship; Okune was named a fellow, and Wilkinson an honorable mention.