Edison high school students study cyber savvy

Edison high school students study cyber savvy
- January 28, 2015
- Mimi Ito, anthropology and informatics professor and John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Chair in Digital Media and Learning, is quoted in the Orange County Register Jan. 28, 2015
From the OC Register:
Mimi Ito, is a cultural anthropologist at UC Irvine specializing in how young people
use social media in the U.S. and Japan. “I don’t think teenagers see Facebook as their
peer communication space anymore. It’s more like how we treat email: it’s here to
stay but it’s not the fun, new edgy space that it was once.”
For the full story, please visit http://www.ocregister.com/articles/students-649510-school-schools.html.
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