CBO report fuels debate on costs and benefits of boosting the minimum wage

CBO report fuels debate on costs and benefits of boosting the minimum wage
- February 20, 2014
- David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is featured on PBS Newshour February 19, 2014
From PBS Newshour:
Amid dialogue over how to reverse income inequality, both political parties are seizing
on a report by the Congressional Budget Office that claims that raising the minimum
wage could lift 900,000 families out of poverty, while possibly eliminating half-a-million
jobs. Judy Woodruff talks to Thea Lee of the AFL-CIO and David Neumark of University
of California, Irvine for opposing takeaways on the report.
Full transcript unavailable. Video link available at http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/debating-costs-benefits-of-boosting-minim....
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