Wage hike would raise pay for 16.5M, but cut 500K jobs, says CBO

Wage hike would raise pay for 16.5M, but cut 500K jobs, says CBO
- February 19, 2014
- David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is featured on Southern California Public Radio February 19, 2014
From Southern California Public Radio:
A new report from the Congressional Budget Office says that increasing the national
minimum wage to $10.10 would cause the loss of 500,000 jobs but would raise earnings
for about 16.5 million low-wage workers. Does a higher minimum wage put an undue burden
on job creators and business owners? How might workers be impacted by higher wages?
How will consumers fare?…Guests: David Neumark, Chancellor's Professor of Economics
and Director, Center for Economics & Public Policy, Department of Economics, UC Irvine.
Full transcript unavailable. Audio link available at http://www.scpr.org/programs/airtalk/2014/02/19/36117/wage-hike-would-ra....
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