Commissioner questions whether tax credit is achieving its goals

Commissioner questions whether tax credit is achieving its goals
- February 18, 2014
- Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is featured in The Hartford Courant and Bloomberg Businessweek February 18, 2014
From The Hartford Courant:
A recent study by an economist at University of California, Irvine said tax credits
that apply to any job hire are ineffective, because they reward businesses for actions
they were going to take anyway, and generally only one in 10 hires was done as a result
of the policy. But the same study by David Neumark and Diego Grijalva said that limiting
the credits so that they only apply to hiring people who are unemployed boosted employment
in any state that had begun such a credit by about 0.6 percentage points after four
months, and by 0.9 points after a year.
For the full story, please visit
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