Romney and Latino voters: Does he stand a chance?

Romney and Latino voters: Does he stand a chance?
- September 1, 2012
- Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor, is interviewed on 89.3 KPCC September 01, 2012
From KPCC:
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney secured the Republican presidential nomination
this week, but polls indicate that he has a long way to go in order to secure the
support he needs from Latino voters that could help him win the White House... Does
Romney stand a chance? It's highly unlikely he'll hit the 38 percent goal, says Louis
DeSipio, a political scientist and professor of Chicano/Latino Studies at UC Irvine.
But there are still a few targeted approaches that Romney's campaign can take in states
where Latinos might help tip the balance. Here he explains how... DeSipio: They aren't
going to get there. Those national averages, the Bush campaign used them as well,
but they are a little misleading. It doesn't matter how many Latino votes they get
in Texas, or California for that matter, because those states are in solidly in one
camp or the other. If hypothetically their goal was to get a lot of Latino voters,
they would get that in Texas.
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