Class war games

Class war games
- October 3, 2011
- A book by UCI economics professors Michelle Garfinkel and Sergios Skaperdas is mentioned in The New York Times, Ocala and Yahoo! Singapore October 3, 2011
From The New York Times
Collective conflict is hardly a new idea - James Madison invoked it in the Federalist
Papers, defining factions as citizens "united and actuated by some common impulse
of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent
and aggregate interests of the community." He went on to describe the primary source
of factions as the "various and unequal distribution of property...." But it was Jack
Hirshleifer of the University of California, Los Angeles, an economist with no affinity
for Karl Marx, who virtually created a field of conflict analysis with a collection
of essays poetically titled "The Dark Side of the Force...." Economists who have built
on Professor Hirshleifer's approach include Herschel Grossman, who taught at Brown
University, and Michelle Garfinkel and Sergios Skaperdas of the University of California,
Irvine, authors of "The Political Economy of Conflict and Appropriation."
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