The advantages of avatars: Virtual world lectures, at S. Dillon Ripley Center

The advantages of avatars: Virtual world lectures, at S. Dillon Ripley Center
- June 23, 2011
- Tom Boellstorff, anthropology professor, is quoted in Express Nightout June 23, 2011
From Express Nightout:
The stereotypical virtual-world participant is a lonely dude, eschewing real life
for a place where he's "watched over by machines of loving grace," to quote flower-child
poet Richard Brautigan. But that popular conception doesn't give enough credit to
the vast interactive opportunities offered by computer-assisted realities, says Tom
Boellstorff, an anthropology professor at the University of California, Irvine and
the author of the book "Coming of Age in Second Life." "In virtual worlds, you have
possibilities for education that you don't have with a website or email," Boellstorff
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