Student, entrepreneur pitches in at CVEP

Student, entrepreneur pitches in at CVEP
- June 20, 2011
- Shawn Isaac, business economics undergrad, is featured in My Desert June 17, 2011
From My Desert:
From where Shawn Isaac sits, progress for an economic development agency such as CVEP
isn't immediately quantifiable. "It's so macro," the UC Irvine student from Rancho
Mirage said. "It's not as easy to measure as saying, 'Oh, CVEP gave this man a fish.'"
Isaac, 21, speaks from experience. He is, as some sage executives might say, a California
whiz kid. With two patents for a computer chip that Isaac and a business partner invented
to make servers run eight times faster, this business economics major doesn't only
own and run three companies off his personal laptop. He has rolled up the sleeves
of his pin-striped shirt to intern at places such as the Coachella Valley Economic
Partnership. "I worked there last summer," he said. He left toting business cards
that gave him a fancy title: "Director of small business and entrepreneurship," the
card read.
For the full story, please visit
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