Former Tijuana major suspected of illegal firearms possession

Former Tijuana major suspected of illegal firearms possession
- June 9, 2011
- Nathan Jones, political science graduate student, is featured in a KPBS report June 7, 2011
From KPBS:
Former Tijuana Mayor Jorge Hank Rhon is being detained by the Mexican military as
they investigate him on suspicion of illegal firearms possession and organized crime
ties. We discuss the latest details of Rhon's detainment with San Diego Union-Tribune
reporter Sandra Dibble, and a graduate student from UC Irvine who is studying security
issues in Tijuana. Guests: Sandra Dibble, a staff writer for the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Sandra has been covering news in Baja California for many years. Nathan Jones, graduate
student from UC Irvine who is studying security issues in Tijuana. You can follow
his work on
To listen to the report, visit
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