
This will be a hybrid event held in Spanish, the recording with English subtitles will be uploaded to the CIESAS YouTube channel.
January 29, 2025 , 9:00-11:00 a.m. PST (11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. CST)
Location: CIESAS Occidente (Av. España #1359, Col. Moderna), Guadalajara
Livestream Facebook Live on the CIESAS West page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1109730163969986


About the talk:
In the context of withdrawal of public service provisions, workers' consumption has increasingly come under the control of the financial system. Working people have become involved with this system to the extent that they have had to resort to indebtedness, or through the possession of assets. Banks and other institutions have facilitated working people’s consumption in order to channel their savings into the financial market. The material results of this process are small housing units with horizontal-peripheral land occupation, through the use of Mortgage-Backed Bonds (BORHs, by its Spanish initials) and large mixed-use towers with vertical-centric land occupation, through the use of Development Capital Certificates (CKDs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (FIBRAs).

About the speaker:
Felipe Hernández Trejo is an associate professor-researcher for the Department of Research and Knowledge of the Division of Sciences and Arts for Design of the Azcapotzalco Unit of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. He has a degree in Architecture and advanced studies in Economics; he also holds a master's degree in Design and Urban Studies. He obtained the University Merit Medal and Academic Mention (2018, UAM), as well as first place in the Luis Unikel Spector Latin American Prize in Urban and Environmental Studies (2019, COLMEX).  
