Active Navigation and the Human Brain
Navigation is a complex and dynamic task that engages multiple brain systems for perception,
cognition, planning and decision making, and motor control. Most studies of navigation
use sparse environments, simple tasks, and reduced models, but these studies cannot
fully assess brain systems that mediate active navigation in the natural world. To
address this Gallant and researchers performed human fMRI experiments involving active
navigation in a virtual world. Participants first learned to navigate through a large
virtual city containing hundreds of distinct roads, buildings and landmarks. After
learning to criterion participants performed a taxi driver task in the MRI scanner
while brain activity was recorded. Banded ridge regression was then used to create
high-dimensional voxelwise encoding models separately for every subject, and model
prediction accuracy and generalization was tested using a separate data set. They
fit voxelwise encoding models to capture the representation of 38 separate high-dimensional
feature spaces, and then hierarchically clustered the model weight vectors to identify
the cortical networks underlying naturalistic navigation. Results show that naturalistic
navigation is supported by a large, complex network in the cerebral cortex that spans
11 distinct regions in the visual, parietal, and prefrontal cortices. These regions
are organized into broadly distributed functional gradients that reflect a continuous
transformation from perception to motor responses. These diverse functional regions
work together to support the perception-planning-action loop. Note that although Gallant
will be focusing on navigation in this talk, the methods that underpin these studies
can be applied to many different problem domains and across species, and his laboratory
has developed a large suite of open source tools and tutorials to facilitate adoption
of this approach. Therefore, he hopes that this talk will be of interest to a broad
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