Dancing Between Fanon and Du Bois: Meditations on a Sociogenic Theory of War
This presentation is a meditation on dominant social scientific conceptualizations
of "war" and their inadequacy in accounting for black struggle. Through an engagement
with Frantz Fanon's concept of sociogeny, Boko seeks to confront social scientific
emphases on calculation and empiricism via the dynamic potential of black thinking
on war. By emphasizing a relational understanding of war, Boko brings Fanon into conversation
with Du Bois by positing that war is the link between the fact of W.E.B. Du Bois'
"color line" and Fanon's "sociogenic" outcomes. An ensemble of questions are broached
by this trajectory of analysis: can war be delimited by spatiotemporal coordinates?
what is the difference between experiencing war and being constituted by war? how
does war end?
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