Blockchain Trust: Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Cryptocurrency Transactions
Introduction by Bill Maurer, Director, IMTFI | Professor, Anthropology and Law | Dean, School of Social Sciences, UC Irvine
About the talk:
This talk provides an overview of Corina Sas's work on financial technologies, with
an emphasis on how people perceive, use, and understand them. It outlines research
described at flagship ACM Human-Computer Interaction conferences such as CHI and DIS
focusing on how people develop or fail to develop trust in blockchain technology.
The talk focuses on rich empirical work within Sas's research group targeting research
group targeting three types of stakeholders: users of bitcoins, miners, and experts.
It also outlines the design and evaluation of BlocKit, a physical kit for communicating
about the blockchain infrastructure, and in particular how trust can be better materialized
and designed for. The talk articulates the value of this body of work towards novel
design implications for trustworthy blockchain technology. Most of the research described
in the talk has been supported by the Digital Threads, an UKRI-funded project.
About the speaker:
Corina Sas is a professor in human-computer interaction with the School of Computing
and Communications at Lancaster University, UK. She's published close to 200 papers,
and her work has received extensive media coverage as well as 4 Honourable Mention
Awards. She has been investigator on grants totalling over £15.1 million and is part
of the Editorial Boards of the ACM Transactions in Human-Computer Interaction, and
Taylor & Francis Human Computer Interaction journals. This academic year she is on
sabbatical visiting UC Santa Cruz, UC Irvine, and Stanford University.
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