The Injured Subjects and the Long Duree of Colonialisms
One of the responsibilities of being a scholar-activist is not only to deconstruct Kashmir and its cause long-hidden but also to undo what colonization and neocolonialism has wrecked on being a Kashmiri and/or "Kashmiri-ness." When traced through the long duree of occupation and colonization/neocolonization, being a Kashmiri is reminiscent of how Fanon discussed being Black can and does affect one's psyche. A product of a certain history of emotional, physical, and political deprivation, the Kashmiri mind bears visible and invisible marks of emotional trauma. In this talk, Zia will interrogate the discourse of self-hood and collective identity in Kashmir pivoting around the hallmark of a certain trait of self-flagellation and undermining. Zia will analyze it through Fanon's lens of psychopathology arguing how Kashmiri-ness is a composition of the historical and current stigma of being branded a deviant population by continuing occupations. One of the hallmarks of the colonizer is to fetishize, objectify, and dehumanize those occupied; make them lesser human beings in order to justify and propagate the occupation. Zia will juxtapose the era of pre and post 1947; in the former, I will specifically focus on the Dogra Hindu rule and British paramountcy and in the latter, the Indian occupation. This talk will trace the continuum of dehumanization of the Kashmiri Muslim identity and how it has contributed to the Kashmiri psychopathology of an undermining discourse of the collective and individual self. This talk will conclude that this discourse is a marker of dehumanization and a manifest reflection of the hegemonic processes of imperialism.
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