China Boom / China Bust: Understanding the Implications of a Chinese Slowdown
The upheaval in China’s stock markets over the summer has left many wondering what is happening in the world’s most important growth engine. Are we witnessing the beginning of an economic crisis in China, or at least a dramatic slowdown after decades of massive growth? If so, what is causing it? What are the domestic economic, social and political implications? And what does a slowdown in China mean for the U.S. economy as a whole and the Southern Californian economy in particular?
The UCI Long U.S.-China Institute brings together a panel of leading experts from academic and business circles to discuss these questions and provide a state-of-the-art understanding of the Chinese economy and the domestic and international impact of recent developments relating to it.
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- Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Chancellor’s Professor, UC Irvine, School of Humanities
- Yi-Chin Ho, Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP
- Jack Hsu, Executive Director, UC Irvine Long U.S.-China Institute
- Barry J. Naughton, Sokwanlok Chair of Chinese International Affairs, Professor of Chinese Economy, UC San Diego
- Andrew M. Pan, Senior Vice President, East West Bank
- David Pierson, Staff Writer, Los Angeles Times
- Teresa Wright, Chair and Professor, Department of Political Science, California State University Long Beach
- David N. Fong, Managing Director & General Counsel, Stuho Cambridge Partnership
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