Expert Series: China 20/20: Looking Forward
Reception: 6:00 p.m.
Discussion: 6:30 p.m.
Benjamin van Rooij, Professor, School of Law, UCI
John S. and Marilyn Long Chair Professor for US-China Business and Law
Director, Long US-China Institute for Business and Law
Expertise: How China implements law, why Chinese obey or break the law and experience
doing fieldwork in China in the legal realm.
Mei Zhan, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UCI
Expertise: Healthcare reform, the emerging private medical sector, and changing notions
of "care"; globalization of Chinese medicine, cosmopolitanism, and the rising middle
Wang Feng, Professor, Sociology, UCI
Expertise: Macro-structural challenges (regime legitimacy, political reforms, economic
growth, and demographic changes) and more specific issues such as youths, urbanization,
inequality and aging.
Dorothy Solinger, Professor, Political Science, UCI
Expertise: Urban underclass and what this means for China's famous plans for speedy
urbanization and a growing middle class.
Yang Su, Associate Professor, Sociology, UCI
Expertise: Political reforms and potential for social protest.
Moderator: David Ochi, ‘97
Executive Director, UCI Blackstone Launch Pad. The program introduces entrepreneurship
as a career option and provides students with a network of venture coaches and an
entrepreneurial support system.
Parking is available in the Social Science Parking Structure. While not required, RSVPs are requested to Rosemarie Swatez,
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