Imagining (the Future of) Money
In the wake of the recent global finance crisis and in the midst of profound innovation in the ways people can move and store value—from Apple Pay to Bitcoin—what does the future of money hold? Rapid changes in mobile and digital technology, shifts in the regulatory landscape, and the articulation of diverse critiques of the financial system promise to transform the relationship between people and finance. These transformations also provoke questions about how we represent money and imagine alternatives; the importance of trust in the circulation financial flows; the role of government, corporations, and other institutions in mediating and authorizing financial transactions; and the impact of emerging payment and accounting technologies, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Max Haiven and Eduard de Jong will join Bill Maurer, dean of the School of Social Sciences, professor of anthropology, and director of IMTFI to discuss these questions and more.
"Imagining (the Future of) Money"
Roundtable with Max Haiven & Eduard de Jong, moderated by Bill Maurer, Social Sciences
October 8, 2014
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Social & Behavioral Sciences Gateway, Room 3323
For further information, please contact Jenny Fan,
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