Healthcare Forum
The UCI Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality presents
"A Healthcare Forum"
with Sheldon Greenfield, MD, UCI | Adriana Moreno, MPH, OC Children's Health Initiative
| Leslie Bigler Lindgren, JD, Public Law Center | Maggie Moreno, Coalition of OC Community
Thursday, April 24, 2014
7:30-9:00 p.m.
Social Science Plaza A, Room 2112
Sheldon Greenfield, an internationally recognized leader in quality of care and health services research, is the Donald Bren Professor of Medicine and executive co-director of the Health Policy Research Institute at the University of California, Irvine. Greenfield’s research has focused on primary care outcomes, quality of chronic disease care, heterogeneity of treatment effects, comparative effectiveness research and patient participation in care. He was the 1995 recipient of the PEW Health Professions Award for lifetime achievement in Primary Care Research.
Adriana Moreno is the program director of the Children’s Health Initiative of Orange County (CHI OC). Adriana grew up in Northern and Southern California and graduated with a bachelors of arts in Spanish literature from the University of California, Irvine and has completed her master’s in public health from California State University, Fullerton. Adriana joined CHI OC in 2007 and has 13 years of experience in the healthcare industry with an emphasis on outreach, enrollment, retention and utilization. Adriana has extensive knowledge of state and federal programs such as Medi-cal. Most recently Adriana helped CHI OC become a Certified Enrollment Entity in Orange County and oversees all operations regarding Covered CA enrollments for CHI OC. In that capacity, she is an acknowledged leader in the Orange County healthcare environment.
Leslie Bigler Lindgren is the senior lead attorney at the Public Law Center, Orange County’s pro bono law firm, providing free legal services to low-income residents of Orange County for over 30 years. Leslie is responsible for all health-related issues, as well as the wills/probate area. She heads PLC’s AIDS Legal Assistance Project, and in that position actively participates in the Ryan White care network. She is responsible for addressing a wide-range of disability rights issues and is a member of Orange County’s HIV Planning Council. She is responsible as well as for PLC’s Medical-Legal Partnerships. Since joining PLC she has been instrumental in organizing and delivering improved legal services for patients encountered in the healthcare system. She and her staff provide legal services at four community clinics in Orange County and on referral from six hospitals.
Maggie Moreno serves as the manager of health policy for the Coalition of Orange County Community Health Centers. Prior to joining the coalition, she worked for Senator Lou Correa as district representative with a focus on health policy. She received her bachelor of science in health science in 2002 and later worked towards her master’s in health services administration at the California State University, San Bernardino. She has experience working at the Veterans Administration in Washington D.C .and the National Institutes of Health in Maryland. She enjoyed working at the Loma Linda and Barstow Veterans Hospital under the direction of the chief of staff of operations. Her past and present affiliations with the following organizations include: The American College of Healthcare Executives, Health Care Executives of Southern California, American Public Health Associations and Physicians for National Health Program. She is the recipient of the Latino Scholastic Achievement Corporation and an alumna of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities.
For further information, please contact Sylvia Lotito,
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