2014 Golden West College Peace Conference
2014 Golden West College Peace Conference – “Peace: Our Challenge, Our Opportunity & Our Legacy”
Please join us on Friday, April 18th for a day of peace-building. The objective of the Peace Conference is to promote peace and humanity by building bridges between today's realities and tomorrow’s possibilities. Conference participants will explore innovative ways to promote peace and nonviolence individually, locally, and globally.
The 2014 Peace Conference will feature dialogues that focus on the following:
• Education for Peace
• Innovation, Leadership and Entrepreneurship
• Democratizing Societies From Above and Below
• Environmental Sustainability
• Corporate Responsibility in a Global Peace
• Women and Peacebuilding
• Human Rights, Justice and Peace
• Restorative Justice
The event will include musical performances by artists exhibiting peace-building through thought-provoking lyrics, art, music, and dance. There will be a special appearance by the recipient of GWC’s 2014 Peace Studies Award.
The annual Peace Conference is sponsored by Golden West College and its Peace Studies Program, Peace & Leadership Club, Associated Students, United States Institute of Peace (USIP), Leadership & Ethics Institute (LEI)organizations. In addition, the event is collaboration with CSU Dominguez Hills, CSU Fullerton, UC Irvine, CSU Pomona, and the City of Huntington Beach.
What: 2014 Golden West College Peace Conference
When: Friday, April 18, 8:30 am – 5:00pm
Where: Golden West College Student Center
15744 Goldenwest Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Early Registration for Students $15 ($20 at the door), Faculties $25 ($30 at the door) all others $35 ($40 at the door).
For more information, please contact: Fran Faraz at ffarazdaghi@gwc.cccd.edu or Valerie Venegas at vvenegas@gwc.cccd.edu , 714-892-7711- EXT: 55117
Website URL:www.goldenwestcollege.edu/peace/
For a map of Golden West College, please see http://gwc.info/pdf/gwc_campusmap_0208.pdf.
Parking is free. Using Lot “B” is the most convenient
Education Breeds Confidence. Confidence Breeds Hope. Hope Breeds Peace.
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