Threat Level Pink: State Homophobia and the Invention of an LGBT Menace
The International Studies Public Forum (ISPF) presents
"Threat Level Pink: State Homophobia and the Invention of an LGBT Menace"
with Michael Bosia, Associate Professor of Political Science, St. Michael's College
Thursday, October 3, 2013
5:00-6:20 p.m.
Social Sciences Plaza A, Room 1100
While homophobia is commonly characterized as individual and personal prejudice, this presentation draws from Bosia’s contributions to the volume Global Homophobia: States, Movements, and the Politics of Oppression (University of Illinois Press October 2013) focusing on homophobia as transnational, political, and strategic. This project theorizes homophobia as a distinct configuration of repressive state-sponsored policies and practices with their own causes, explanations, and effects on how sexualities are understood and experienced in a variety of national contexts. The result is that homophobia shapes the perception of sexual identities as well as the human rights-based claims made by emerging sexual minorities.
Co-sponsored by Department of Women's Studies and the Department of Political Science.
For further information, please contact Sylvia Lotito, or 949-824-3344.
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