The First Few Numbers: How Children Learn Them and Why It Matters
The Department of Logic & Philosophy of Science Colloquium Series presents
"The First Few Numbers: How Children Learn Them and Why It Matters"
with Barbara Sarnecka, Associate Professor, Cognitive Sciences, UC Irvine
Friday, March 1, 2013
3:00 p.m.
Social Science Tower, Room 777 (LPS Conference Room)
Cognitive and developmental scientists since Piaget have been interested in how humans acquire number concepts. In this talk, Sarnecka will briefly review a decade of research on how children acquire the first few numbers, and explain why this topic is both interesting and important. Then she will present new (as yet unpublished) data documenting the socio-economic gap in young children's number knowledge here in Orange County; as well as two intervention studies in her lab (one finished, one in progress) designed to help kids learn numbers. She'll wrap up by discussing how the results of these studies contribute to our understanding of the origins of number concepts.
For further information, please contact Patty Jones, or 949-824-1520.
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