Arbitrage/Payment: A Conversation in the Anthropology of Finance
The Department of Anthropology presents
"Arbitrage/Payment: A Conversation in the Anthropology of Finance"
with Bill Maurer, Anthropology & Law Professor, UC Irvine and Director, Institute
for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion, UC Irvine and Hiro Miyazaki, Anthropology
Professor, Cornell University
Friday, February 8, 2013
1:30-3:00 p.m.
Social & Behavioral Sciences Gateway, Room 3323
Miyazaki and Maurer will be providing commentary on each others' work. Maurer will be reading and commenting on the introduction and two chapters from Miyazaki's forthcoming book, Arbitraging Japan: Traders as Critics of Capitalism. Miyazaki will be reading and commenting on Maurer's article in Cambridge Anthropology: "Payment: Forms and Functions of Value Transfer in Contemporary Society" and a new piece that he just presented in Buenos Aires on cashlessness, ancient and modern. Readings will be provided ahead of time for those who would like to attend the cross-commentary.
For further information, or to RSVP, email Taylor Nelms,
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