Spring Global Health Research Colloquium
The UCI Program in Public Health presents
Spring Global Health Research Colloquium
with featured speaker, Segundo Leon, University of Cayetano, Peru
and presentations by UC Irvine GHREAT Fellows
Friday, May 4, 2012
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Calit2, Building No. 325, Room 3008
The Program in Public Health invites faculty, students, staff, and the general public to our Spring Global Health Research Colloquium. The event will feature guest speaker Segundo Leon from Peru and presentations from fellowship awardees on short-term global health research funded by the UC Irvine Global Health Framework Program. The Framework program is supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences (1R25TW008125 -01).
The overarching objective of the UC Irvine Global Health Framework Program is to coordinate and enhance the global health education, research, and outreach activities on campus. Awardees of the Global Health Research Travel Fellowships include UC Irvine junior faculty, post-doctoral scholars, graduate students, medical students, and undergraduates. For more information about the Global Health Framework Program, visit our website: http://publichealth.uci.edu/gh_docs/index.
For further information, please contact Stephanie Uiga, suiga@uci.edu.
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