The Future of Space Law and the Role of Analogy: Looking to the Law of the Sea and International Maritime Law for Space Law Solutions
The Center in Law, Society and Culture presents
"The Future of Space Law and the Role of Analogy: Looking to the Law of the Sea and
International Maritime Law for Space Law Solutions"
with Matthew Schaefer, Law Alumni Professor of Law and Director of Space, Cyber,
and Telecom Law Program, University of Nebraska College of Law
Monday, April 9, 2012
12:00 to 1:00 PM
LAW 3600
Professor Schaefer has over 15 years of law teaching experience and has taught courses in international law, international trade law, international business transactions, foreign relations law and policy, space law, and cyber law. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago (B.A.) and the University of Michigan Law School (J.D. magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, L.L.M. in international law, S.J.D.), and serves on the board of editors of the Journal of International Economic Law, and also serves on the advisory board of the Canada-U.S. Law Institute. During the 1999 calendar year, Professor Schaefer served as a director in the International Economic Affairs Office of the National Security Council (NSC).
Prior to joining the faculty, Professor Schaefer served as an international trade consultant to the National Governors' Association and Western Governors' Association in Washington, D.C. during the legislative implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and GATT Uruguay Round multilateral trade agreement. Professor Schaefer’s scholarship focuses on the inter-relationship between federalism and international and foreign relations law as well as international trade agreements.
Lunch will be provided (RSVP required to by noon on Friday, April 6 and please specify if you would like vegetarian or meat sandwich).
This event is open to the public and co-sponsored by the Jurisdiction, Power, and the Frontiers of Empty Space Reading Group (Center in Law, Society, and Culture) and the Space Law Society (UCI Law). For more information on this and other CLSC events, please refer to our Event Calendar at:
For further information, please contact Akhila L. Ananth,
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