Dinner Conversation with Dennis Hastert, Former Speaker of the House: Reflections on Washington Past, Present and Future
The UCI Center for the Study of Democracy presents the Jack W. Peltason Lecture & Dinner
“Reflections on Washington Past, Present and Future”
A Conversation with Dennis Hastert, Former Speaker of the House
Moderated by Matthew Beckmann, Associate Professor of Political Science, UCI
Thursday, February 23, 2012
6:30 p.m.
University Club | 801 E. Peltason Drive | Irvine, CA 92697
"Denny" Hastert was Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1999 to 2007, making him the country’s longest-serving Republican Speaker. During his time in the eye of Washington’s political storm, Speaker Hastert helped chart the nation’s course through its most trying times, including 9/11, and most controversial issues, such as Medicare reform. In this candid conversation, Speaker Hastert will:
- Reflect on his Speakership, including interactions with Presidents Bill Clinton & George W. Bush.
- Assess current inside the Beltway wrangling on today’s most important issues.
- Predict the legislative landscape for healthcare and tax reform after the 2012 elections.
- Answer questions from the audience.
The cost for this event is $100 per person. RSVPs are required. To arrange for payment or for further information, please contact
Shani Brasier at csd@uci.edu or (949) 824-2904.
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