CGPACS Graduate Student Panel I
The Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies presents
"CGPACS Graduate Student Panel I"
Monday, November 7, 2011
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Social Science Tower (SST), Room 777
Five graduate student grant recipients will give short presentations on their projects and be available for questions and discussion.
- 9:00 a.m. Welcome, Paula Garb, Acting Director CGPACS
- 9:10–9:20 a.m. "Communities in Conflict: Investigating and Improving Reconciliation Interventions in US Based Inter-Diaspora Conflicts," Johanna Solomon, Political Science
- 9:25–9:45 a.m. "Contradictions of Regulation on the High Seas: Kenya's Piracy Courts," Ben Cox, Anthropology
- 9:50–10:10 a.m. "On Fire for Justice: The Making of an American Abolitionist Abroad,” Padma Govindan, Anthropology
- 10:15–10:35 a.m. "Remitting Capital and Recovering Compatriots: The Philippine State's Reliance on the Filipino Transnational Family," Wayne Lalicon, Political Science
- 10:40–11:00 a.m. “Popular Nationalism: Potential Constraint of Chinese Foreign Policy?" Beijie Tang, Political Science
Light refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP by November 4th to
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