More Tales of the Field
The Center for Ethnography, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, Department of Informatics, Center for Organizational Research (COR), and Paul Merage School of Business present:
"More Tales of the Field"
with John Van Maasen, Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management, Sloan School of Management,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Friday, March 4, 2010
Merage School Building, Room 117
12:00-1:30 p.m.
This talk will begin with a brief and broad treatment of ethnography as a paired written representation of (textwork) and lengthy personal experience in a particular social world (fieldwork). Next, Van Maasen considers why the former, the text, has been so infrequently examined in lieu of the latter, the so-called method. He then moves to ethnographic texts themselves and look at what he takes to be some broad changes that seem apparent in the representational choices made by ethnographers over the past twenty or so years – particularly within the organizational ethnography domain. Alongside these changes comes the emergence of several distinct genres treated only lightly (or not at all) in Tales of the Field. He'll end by putting forth what seems to have stayed the course in ethnography and why.
Please RSVP to by Wednesday, February 23. Lunch will be provided for those on the RSVP list.
For more information, please contact Sandy Cushman, or 949-824-3344.
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