UCI Ghana Project 2010-2011: Collaborative Conversations on the Continent
The Center for Global Peace & Conflict Studies presents:
"UCI Ghana Project 2010-2011: Collaborative Conversations on the Continent”
Thursday, February 17, 2011
12:30–1:45 p.m.
Social & Behavioral Science Gateway (SBSG), Room 1517
Please join CGPACS for interim reports by faculty and graduate student participants
of “Collaborative Conversations on the Continent,” UCI’s ongoing effort to establish
a collaborative relationship in dance, music, history, political science, and computer
science with the University of Ghana-Legon and the Ghana Dance Ensemble. The project's
goal is to foster teaching and research on topics relating to Africa and the African
Diaspora and further the University’s vision of a global village by encouraging intellectually
embodied exchanges beyond formal classroom boundaries. UCI faculty members Sheron
Wray and Jennifer Fisher (dance) and Jessica Millward (history), and MFA students
Joe Knox (music) and Shannon Cuykendall (dance), will report on work they conducted
in Ghana last August and September, and their subsequent research and collaborations
in dance and music immersion and embodiment, diaspora relationships (including experiences
at the Elmina and Cape Coast slave fortresses), relationships with Ghanaian cultural
institutions, and outreach with the Noyam Institute for dance in Ghana. The center
is particularly pleased to present these discussions in the wake of the just-completed
visit to UCI by professor Oh! Nii Sowah and student guests from the University of
Ghana-Legon. Reports and discussion will be moderated by UCI-Ghana Project members
Ceceila Lynch (political science and CGPACS) and Zahra Ahmed (political science and
community engagement coordinator for the Division of Undergraduate Education).
This event is sponsored by the UCI Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies (CGPACS),
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Office of Equal Opportunity and
Please RSVP to cgpacs@uci.edu. For questions and additional information, e-mail ucighanaproject@gmail.com.
See www.cgpacs.uci.edu for any updates and a full schedule of events.
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