The SPPS Research Paper Award will recognize outstanding research addressing a social issue within the major's three focuses (i.e. Education, Health, and Governance). The paper must be the student's original research demonstrating analytical skill, creativity, and social consciousness while addressing a critical social problem. Original research is defined as involving independent data collection based on any combination of the following methodology: qualitative, quantitative, and/or mixed methods. Students may submit only one paper for consideration for this prize.

Winners of the award will be posted and archived on the program's website, and the recipient of the prize will receive an award at the program's Spring awards ceremony.

Award Amount: Varies


  • SPPS majors who conduct original research as part of regular coursework, an honor's thesis, UROP, SURP, or other such programs are eligible.
  • Students are encouraged to self-nominate.
  • All submissions must be accompanied with a letter of support.
  • Faculty are encouraged to nominate student papers.

Past Recipients:

2015: Daniel Cano