Victoria Bernal, anthropology professor, is quoted by The Guardian Aug. 18, 2015

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Jennifer B. Kane, sociology assistant professor, is featured by UPI and Science Daily Aug. 17, 2015

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Study by UCI sociologist is first to tie low natal weight to biological, social factors three generations deep

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Jennifer Lee, sociology professor, is featured on Slate - The Gist Aug 13, 2015

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Tom Boellstorff, anthropology professor, is featured in video by The Drax Files August 12, 2015

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Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor, is featured in the New York Times Aug. 12, 2015

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Research by Jennifer Lee, sociology professor, is featured by About (Education) Aug. 12, 2015

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Etel Solingen, political science professor and Tierney Chair, gives perspective in Washington Post op-ed

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Sociology Ph.D. alum and soon-to-be lecturer is part of an anteater family legacy

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Cecelia Lynch, political science professor, breaks it down in Border Crossings, the August issue of Diplomat Magazine

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