Belinda Campos and Jessica Borelli

“Do you find yourself reminiscing with friends about the past or thinking fondly on happy times with family from your childhood? Reliving joyous shared memories of our relationships, whether done on our own or in a group, is a ritual for many of us, one that can bring laughter and tears of joy. It can reinforce relationships and bring a fresh surge of positive emotions.

Psychologists have a name for this strategy of being present, recalling, and even anticipating the moments of positive connection that we all have in our daily lives: relational savoring. For some of us, this type of reflection comes easily. We are instinctively drawn to focus on these moments of connectedness, perhaps because it feels good to reflect on positive moments we have had with loved ones, or perhaps because doing so has been ingrained in us by our families as part of our culture.

Research suggests that savoring moments of connection with others can make us feel good and enhance our relationships—which is especially true for people of Latin American heritage—and there are ways we can put this into practice in our daily lives.”

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