Episode 1: On Dread: Facing Futureless Futures
Episode 1: On Dread: Facing Futureless Futures
- May 23, 2024
- David Theo Goldberg, anthropology, shares his work on The Identities Podcast (Podcast)
In this episode, Professor Nasar Meer speaks with Professor David Theo Goldberg, author of Dread: Facing Futureless Futures and Professor of Anthropology at University of California, Irvine, where he holds faculty appointments also in comparative literature, and criminology, law and society. … Together with Dr Anjali Prabhu and Dr Aaron Winter, Nasar and David discuss the nature and implications of dread and analyze the politics of the world we inhabit today. Drawing on a published symposium in Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, they delve into a conversation about the book’s politics of refusal and resistance and the social experience of dread.
Listen in: https://www.identitiesjournal.com/the-identities-podcast.html
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